You're not Ready*... One Year Later: Haters gonna Hate
A year ago, I shared a moment that left a lasting impact on me. While waiting for a conference session to begin, I received some unsolicited advice from a "leader" in real estate education : "You're not ready yet..." It made me question the need for others' approval to embark on our journeys. Often, this so-called 'wisdom' is just a discouraging anchor holding us back.
But here's the thing: aren't we the best judges of our own capabilities? When it comes to pursuing our passions, isn't it better to make mistakes, learn, and grow, rather than wait for someone else to deem us 'ready' or 'worthy'? Every path is unique, and every journey starts with a single, courageous step. The most significant growth often happens outside of our comfort zones.
Those words hurt, not because of who said them (I have ZERO respect for this individual), but because I often struggle to fit into the box of real estate education. Balancing academia and “edutainment” is challenging for me because what's expected in one world doesn’t always translate in the other. But being told I wasn't ready to lead by someone who didn't know my professional journey (and who loves to comment on my clothes and body) only fueled my determination.
In the past year, I've embraced a whirlwind of opportunities and challenges across various industries. I've written two manuscripts set for publication in late 2025/26, I've peer-reviewed others’ academic work, completed the first three chapters of my dissertation, and spoken on prominent platforms. I've consistently hosted a monthly mastermind, and ran a successful retreat. My partnership with an international learning provider will be bringing more commercial real estate education to the Arizona market soon! :)
Beyond my professional endeavors, I hiked in and out of the Grand Canyon. I also led a team of seven strangers to tackle the affordable housing crisis in our country's fifth largest city. As an adjunct real esate professor, I've improved my undergraduate students' exam scores by over 40% since taking over the course.
Those words hurt, not because of who said them (I have ZERO respect for this individual), but because I often struggle to fit into the box of real estate education. Balancing academia and “edutainment” is challenging for me because what's expected in one world doesn’t always translate in the other. But being told I wasn't ready to lead by someone who didn't know my professional journey (and who loves to comment on my clothes and body) only fueled my determination.
In the past year, I've embraced a whirlwind of opportunities and challenges across various industries. I've written two manuscripts set for publication in late 2025/26, I've peer-reviewed others’ academic work, completed the first three chapters of my dissertation, and spoken on prominent platforms. I've consistently hosted a monthly mastermind, and ran a successful retreat. My partnership with an international learning provider will be bringing more commercial real estate education to the Arizona market soon! :)
Beyond my professional endeavors, I hiked in and out of the Grand Canyon. I also led a team of seven strangers to tackle the affordable housing crisis in our country's fifth largest city. As an adjunct real esate professor, I've improved my undergraduate students' exam scores by over 40% since taking over the course.
When I formally complained to the organization about the lack of transparency and member access to meeting minutes, their attorney concluded their professional letter with a dismissive remark: "Finally, in the end, it appears to [sic] Ms. Zotto is unhappy the election process did not result in her election to the Board." This unprofessional response (in support of their leader's actions) only fueled my determination to create the transparency and accountability I once sought from others and to prove that I am ready, on my own terms.
I am GOOD at what I do, and I THRIVE on tackling bigger challenges and embracing new adventures. I'd rather put my energy into building the next generation of real estate professionals and educators up, rather than tearing them down under a false pretense of leadership.
*Original Post from June 24, 2023 (Facebook)*
Yesterday, while waiting for a conference session to begin, I received some unosoliced professional advice. I was told "You're not ready yet..." this got me thinking: Should we always wait for others' approval to begin our journeys? Often, this well-intentioned "wisdom" is nothing more than a discouraging anchor, holding us back.
Consider this - are we not the best judges of our own capabilities? When it comes to pursuing our upassions, isn't better to make mistakes, lean and grow, rather than hold back until others deem us "ready" or "worthy" of their approval? Evey path is uniques, and every journey begins with a single courageous step. The most significant growth often happens outside of our comofrt zones.
Question for thought: Have you ever held back from doing something becuase someone told you "you're not ready yet?"